What affects speed?

Every web page you view or file downloaded from the Internet is handled by dozens of computers before it appears on your screen. And the speed you receive from the Internet is determined by the slowest “link” in the data chain leading to your computer. Below are a list of factors that can affect the speed of your Spectrum Internet modem connection.

1. The Host Server

The most common cause of slow speed on the Internet is the host server. This server may be configured incorrectly or underpowered for the number of people using it at the same time. A slow server can affect anything you do on the Internet.

2. The Host Server’s Internet Connection

The servers you receive web pages, files, videos or gaming data from connect to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider. These servers connect using one or more T1 lines, which can deliver a guaranteed 1.5 Mbps. If a server only has a single T1 line and ten people are using it simultaneously, each person will only receive 150 kbps, slowing the speed.

3. Internet Routers

The data sent to your computer from a server typically bounces through a dozen or so routers. Their purpose is directing data from one point to another on the Internet. Routers, or the connections between them, can be configured incorrectly or become overloaded by high demand.

4. Adware or Spyware

If your computer is infected with “adware” or “spyware” you’ll likely see reduced computer performance and a constant stream of pop-up ads. This will likely cause everything on your computer to work slower.

5. Web Browser

A corrupted or poorly configured web browser is one of the most common bottlenecks for fast web browsing.

6. Your TCP/IP Configuration

Installation software provided by dial-up Internet providers can change the default TCP/IP settings on your computer in an attempt to provide better performance. These changes usually cause poorer performance with high-speed Internet services. Macintosh users don’t experience this particular problem.

7. Your Computer Hardware

The speed of the processor, hard drive, network card, graphics accelerator, even the amount of RAM, all impact the speed your computer can process Internet data.

8. Your Operating System

With extensive use, any computer operating system can become corrupted, inefficient or configured incorrectly, which will affect the speed.

9. Your Home Networking Device

A home networking device, or router, routes traffic between your cable modem and your computer(s). Routers that don’t use 100baseT Ethernet standards or outdated software could slow your connection.

10. Spectrum Internet Routers

In addition to passing through routers on the public Internet, information received also passes through between six and twelve routers maintained by Spectrum. It is possible for them to become configured incorrectly or overloaded, but it’s more common for routine upgrades or maintenance to these routers to be at fault.

11. Your Modem’s Signal

If your modem signal delivered to your cable modem is too strong, too weak or too noisy, it can cause your modem to slow down or stop working entirely. Adding a signal splitter to your cable line; a nick in the cable line running to your house; or changes to the cable system in your neighborhood, could also slow your cable signal.

Visit the Speed Test page and click the Begin Test button to start your speed test.

After attempting the speed test and the above steps, if you are still experiencing problems, please contact us.